15.11.2023, 18:30 Uhr

7Mind Online-Seminar: Getting and Staying Active

Exercise is good for you — but why is it so hard to stick with it? Let's take a deep dive into the meaning of exercising and how you can establish it in your everyday life.

Das erwartet dich

In this workshop, led by psychologist and yoga teacher Jule, you'll learn how to incorporate exercising easier into your daily life and understand how it can impact your mental well-being. You'll get journaling prompts to help you examine your motivation, goals and obstacles. Through a practical exercise, you'll experience how mindfulness relates to your exercising routines. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to discuss questions and challenges with our expert.

Unsere Speaker/innen


Juliane Meyer-Benz

Psychologin, Coach und Yoga-Lehrerin Jule ist als Content Managerin bei 7Mind tätig. Ihr liebstes Diskussionsthema: Wie hängen Körper und Geist zusammen und wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig?

Psychologist, coach, and yoga teacher Jule serves as Content Manager at 7Mind. Her favorite topic of discussion: How are the body and mind interconnected, and how do they mutually influence each other?

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